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What is a will and why do I need one?

Organise, plan and secure you and your family’s future with Waseeya 

You may have spent time thinking about what you’ll leave behind when you pass. This might be wealth, messages, memories or even your lasting impact on people’s lives. But how many of us have thought about putting that in writing and detailing exactly what we want to happen to our assets (both tangible and otherwise) when we die?

Start planning your will now and organise all your affairs in the Waseeya Vault . Download the mobile app or go online to use our web app today – sign up for free

What is a will?

A will – or more dramatically named ‘your last will and testament’ – is a document that lays out everything you want to happen to the things you own after you die. It’s a way to leave instructions to someone about what you want to happen to your wealth, and a means to deliver any messages or sentimental items to those you leave behind. A will can even let someone know how to take care of your pet, or let you leave money to someone that isn’t a family member.

What are assets? 

Assets are the things you own in life, such as property, bank accounts, family heirlooms or valuable items. 

Okay, so a will tells someone what to do with my things in the event of my death. So what? Why do I need one?

Forget about heartfelt messages and cherished memories (although with the Waseeya Time Capsule you don’t need to), what about the tangible things that you leave behind? You spend a lifetime building up your possessions and savings to care for your family, so laying the ground for how this will be looked after when you pass is a vital step to transferring your wealth. 

A Waseeya will gives you an opportunity to: 

  • Leave messages, assets and inheritance to loved ones.
  • Detail how you want your loved ones (including family, dependants – and pets!) to be looked after. If you don’t clearly define this as a will, then a court decides who cares for your loved ones. 
  • Tell others what really matters to you. Leave donations to charities, family friends or community organisations you want to support. 
  • Be in control of who benefits from your hard earned savings, and how you want your assets, such as property or investments to be distributed. 
  • Save your beneficiaries lots of time and stress trying to figure out what you might like and how to make it happen practically.

You can make your own will in the Waseeya app now, whether a basic, bespoke or Islamic Will, we cover all the bases. All with minimal hassle and lots of guidance. Want to find out more? Have an online chat with us, or set up a free consultation with one of our friendly team members to see how Waseeya can work for you. 

What if I don’t have a Will?

If you don’t have a will when you pass away, you’re leaving the fate of your life savings, property and dependents in the hands of others. Families can override your undeclared preferences , and do what they think their loved one would have done. But this entire scenario can cause a lot of unnecessary stress and confusion. 

Wills don’t have to be stressful! It can be both quick and easy to draft a basic will, especially with our step by step will feature in the Waseeya mobile and web app that guides you through the process from start to finish. You can write a will from the comfort of your own home, just as quickly as it would take you to make and drink a cup of tea. So, what are you waiting for? Get the kettle on.

Sign up for Waseeya today for FREE and get peace of mind. 

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